Hi everyone!
I bought the Soap & Glory Hot Cloth Cleanser recently and after using it for a about a week and a half now I reckon I should share with you guys how I am getting on it with it.
So I did not set out to buy this specifically but I have not tried any Soap & Glory products before and it was a third off in Boots when I went in to get something else and I thought, why not? As much as I love my No 7 foaming cleanser (I have only just run out but a brand new bottle is ready and waiting!), I really wanted to see for myself what all the fuss was about with hot cloth cleansers and so I thought if I didn't get on with it, then I have not spent an absolute fortune on a product I couldn't use.
Contained in the pack is the product itself and also a little cloth for you to use when taking off the product. This is for all skin types but I would suggest if you have skin sensitive to oils then perhaps give it a miss.
When I started using it, I have to be honest, I didn't really think much of it. I was just about to reach for my trusty No 7 when I thought I would give this a second chance. I re-read the instructions and I realised I was doing it wrong.
At first, I wasn't putting enough on and then I wasn't really rubbing it round, just leaving it on for two minutes instead and then I was wiping it off. When I was wiping (which you shouldn't do) I was thinking, goodness this cloth is rough this is not going to do my skin any good.
What you are actually supposed to do is put a fair amount on (grape size) your face and neck, then rub round for two minutes. I have to admit I do find this quite laborious because I'm just used to wash and go but nothing good comes easy as they say so I make sure stick with it. I also make sure I concentrate on any little areas where I can feel a breakout coming or somewhere there is already a little blemish. Then you just run the cloth under hot / warm water, rinse slightly and then placed right over the whole of your face, pressing off the product as you go, working down towards the neck. I usually put the cloth over my face twice in order that I make sure I get this all off properly.
And there you go. That is how I use it and now I know where I was going wrong and seen the error of my ways I'm glad I took the plunge on this one. I think my skin looks fresher after use and you get a super duper deep down clean feeling. Smell is okay, not really my cup of tea but skin feels baby soft afterwards. I would purchase this again in the future and it has made me want to try more Soap & Glory products (The Fab Pore Daily Micro Smoothing Moisture Lotion is going on my wish list!) as well as some more hot cloth cleansers going forward.
Usual Price is £10.00 and link is here.
Hope you enjoyed my post and hopefully this helped if you're in the market for a new cleanser or if you are (like I was) just looking for an inexpensive hot cloth cleanser to try out.
Saturday, 22 February 2014
Friday, 21 February 2014
Life \\ Wonders : Cold & Flu Miracle Cures
Hi everyone,
So I was feeling a bit sorry for myself last week because I had a rotten cold and to help me through it, I was using some vitamins and herbal, all natural supplements to just give me a little bit more of a chance to help fight it off.
In view of this, I thought I would share with you guys what my little tricks are to either help shorten the duration or to nip them in the bud before they happen.
This is an all natural substance which contains plant leaves and roots and can be used to fight upper repository infections such as colds, amongst other things.
This is such a great product to stop that little tingle of a sneeze developing into a full on cold. I have it in two forms. First is a tincture form which basically you put a few drops in some water and swirl it round, swallow it down and there you go. The second I have is just in tablet form which do not taste that great. I prefer the tincture as I find it more effective but it is also more expensive.
I have done a little research on the internet and it appears that they have done clinical tests in 2007 and this revealed that 26% of the adults they tested were found to reduce the combined number and duration of a cold over a four month trial compared to the placebo. If you want more information, link to NHS website is here and for some further information on Echinacea itself then link to WebMD is here.
To be honest, I don't really need to know about the research because I know this works for me every time. It might not prevent a cold / virus every time I take it (because lets face it, if it did it would be flying off the shelves!) but I know it helps to prevent one from developing the majority of the time and when I do take it when I'm not very well, it helps clear it up within 4/5 days instead of say 7 days I would probably suffer a cold without taking it.
This has been a winter essential of mine for many years now and I always make sure I maintain a good supply.
Prices range from £3.50 to £13.50 and link is here if you are interested.
Vitamin C Effervescent
Well we have all heard of Vitamin C haven't we? It comes in the forms of oranges and Ribena. But you can also get a great dose from an effervescent when you really need the help by popping a little tablet in water and letting it fizzle away into a refreshing drink.
Vitamin C (if you didn't already know) helps to keep your immune system in tip top shape and these can be taken once a day every day or just if and when you feel you need a little boost.
Usual price £2.55 and link is here
Cold & Flu Defence Nasal Spray
I have only just recently tried this one out but by far my current favourite cold essential. First I was a little sceptical; "Clinically proven" did have me raising my eyebrows.
But truly this has worked wonders for me. You can use this three times a day at the first sign of a cold or during the duration of a cold to help shorten the suffering. Alternatively, it does say you can use this several times a day at the beginning of a cold as a preventative measure but to be honest, I wouldn't want to use it more than three times because it's not exactly a 'pleasant' experience.
As the name suggests, it is a nasal spray and the first time I tried this, it was hideous but you do get used to the sensation. You just hold one nostril, spray up the other and then repeat. Have a tissue handy. Don't try in a public place.
As for the clinically proven part, what the small print says is that is contains Carragelose which apparently is "clinically proven to help defend against colds and flu, as well as help shorten the duration and severity of both colds and flu".
In any case, clinically proven or not I love this little wonder and I have already replaced it since getting my first bottle.
Usual price is £6.95 and link is here.
I must admit, I probably suffer from one cold a year, two at most. Maybe I have a good immune system or perhaps I just have so many wonderful products which I know how to and when to use that it keeps any little coughs or cold at bay.
Hopefully this is a helpful post if you're currently suffering as it appears to be doing the rounds at the moment.
So I was feeling a bit sorry for myself last week because I had a rotten cold and to help me through it, I was using some vitamins and herbal, all natural supplements to just give me a little bit more of a chance to help fight it off.
In view of this, I thought I would share with you guys what my little tricks are to either help shorten the duration or to nip them in the bud before they happen.
This is an all natural substance which contains plant leaves and roots and can be used to fight upper repository infections such as colds, amongst other things.
This is such a great product to stop that little tingle of a sneeze developing into a full on cold. I have it in two forms. First is a tincture form which basically you put a few drops in some water and swirl it round, swallow it down and there you go. The second I have is just in tablet form which do not taste that great. I prefer the tincture as I find it more effective but it is also more expensive.
I have done a little research on the internet and it appears that they have done clinical tests in 2007 and this revealed that 26% of the adults they tested were found to reduce the combined number and duration of a cold over a four month trial compared to the placebo. If you want more information, link to NHS website is here and for some further information on Echinacea itself then link to WebMD is here.
To be honest, I don't really need to know about the research because I know this works for me every time. It might not prevent a cold / virus every time I take it (because lets face it, if it did it would be flying off the shelves!) but I know it helps to prevent one from developing the majority of the time and when I do take it when I'm not very well, it helps clear it up within 4/5 days instead of say 7 days I would probably suffer a cold without taking it.
This has been a winter essential of mine for many years now and I always make sure I maintain a good supply.
Prices range from £3.50 to £13.50 and link is here if you are interested.
Vitamin C Effervescent
Well we have all heard of Vitamin C haven't we? It comes in the forms of oranges and Ribena. But you can also get a great dose from an effervescent when you really need the help by popping a little tablet in water and letting it fizzle away into a refreshing drink.
Vitamin C (if you didn't already know) helps to keep your immune system in tip top shape and these can be taken once a day every day or just if and when you feel you need a little boost.
Usual price £2.55 and link is here
Cold & Flu Defence Nasal Spray
I have only just recently tried this one out but by far my current favourite cold essential. First I was a little sceptical; "Clinically proven" did have me raising my eyebrows.
But truly this has worked wonders for me. You can use this three times a day at the first sign of a cold or during the duration of a cold to help shorten the suffering. Alternatively, it does say you can use this several times a day at the beginning of a cold as a preventative measure but to be honest, I wouldn't want to use it more than three times because it's not exactly a 'pleasant' experience.
As the name suggests, it is a nasal spray and the first time I tried this, it was hideous but you do get used to the sensation. You just hold one nostril, spray up the other and then repeat. Have a tissue handy. Don't try in a public place.
As for the clinically proven part, what the small print says is that is contains Carragelose which apparently is "clinically proven to help defend against colds and flu, as well as help shorten the duration and severity of both colds and flu".
In any case, clinically proven or not I love this little wonder and I have already replaced it since getting my first bottle.
Usual price is £6.95 and link is here.
I must admit, I probably suffer from one cold a year, two at most. Maybe I have a good immune system or perhaps I just have so many wonderful products which I know how to and when to use that it keeps any little coughs or cold at bay.
Hopefully this is a helpful post if you're currently suffering as it appears to be doing the rounds at the moment.
Tuesday, 18 February 2014
Review : No 7 High Shine Intense Lip Crayon in 'Sultry Kiss'
Hello everybody,
I am still on the quest for the perfect red lip! I was recently in Boots and I had already picked up their monthly magazine and seen the No 7 Lip Crayon but in 'Romantic Soul' and I got straight their Website only to see they are currently out of stock and despite my best efforts, I am yet to find it in store either.
But I did manage to pick up 'Sultry Kiss' which when I did a little back of the hand tester, looked just as good.
First of all, lets start with the colour of this, so so nice! I really love the colour. The best way to describe this is 'berry' I guess, its sort of in between red and dark pink / purple. I really like this, so ideal for day looks, like work but still a nice colour for a going out look.
And look at that shine. They really do mean it when they say 'high shine intense'. I didn't think you would be able to achieve a shiny look from a lip crayon, seeing as the majority of lip crayons available have a 'matte' effect, but here No 7 is proving me wrong.
It is a big thumbs up from me on this one! I really enjoy using this lip crayon, it is moisturising, is in a lovely colour and awesome shine and its got some staying power.
What more could you want?
Usual Price is £9.00 and can be found here.
Sunday, 16 February 2014
Review: Body Shop Vitamin E Overnight Serum-in-Oil
Hello everyone,
Hope you're having a lovely weekend!
I purchased The Body Shop Vitamin E Overnight Serum-in-Oil over a week ago now but, as with many products I review here, I really wanted to see how I got on with this before I reviewed it.

I was very worried how this would affect my skin as I am quite spot prone and my big concern was that oil would make me instantly break out.
I first tried this out last Saturday night as I had done some really EARLY overtime in work that day and I thought this would give a great boost to my skin the following morning.
So after cleansing, I put just two drops in the palms of my hands and rubbed my hands together in order to get the product nice and warm, then I just gently dabbed all over my skin (including neck) and then rubbed in by going round in circles with my index and middle finger, making sure all the oil was worked into my skin properly. There is a leaflet you can pick up in store if you're about to purchase which tells you how to get the best out of this product and I would suggest picking up a copy so you can find the best way for you.
I have already admitted in previous posts that I am not a huge moisturiser fan (gasp!) but I felt like the winter was really taking its toll on my skin recently (what with all the central heating and harsh winds) and I really needed a hydration boost. This really did the trick. The next morning my skin looked really plump, and felt so hydrated. It made my face and neck feel really soft and although I still felt tired, my skin didn't look tired at all, it looked really rejuvenated and fresh.
I have used this product three times in total, once more as above and I also tried blending in with moisturiser and leaving overnight although I don't know if I would do this again as it made my skin feel sticky and surprise, surprise, I got a spot come up the next day (eek!). I'm putting this down to me not rubbing this in as much as I did when I just applied directly so I will ensure in future that I just apply it direct and really massage this product in properly.
But this is a really great product. I have never used an overnight serum before and I'm really glad I picked this up. I am sure I use this whenever I know I am going to have a late night / early morning or when I just need a little hydration boost. It also really calmed down the redness which I suffer from on my cheeks so that was a great little plus too.
If you are looking for a product which will help you look bright eyed and bushy tailed even when you don't feel like it (and, let's face it, we all have those days) or if you are just looking for a really quick fix for any dry skin you may be suffering with then this is a really great investment. It will definitely feature in my February favourites as I can see this becoming a winter essential (even though winter is nearly finished, hurray!)
Usual price is £12.00 and can be found here.
As a little side note, I am really interested in trying more from The Body Shop Vitamin E range and I am sure I will have some bits and pieces for you soon.
Hope you're having a lovely weekend!
I purchased The Body Shop Vitamin E Overnight Serum-in-Oil over a week ago now but, as with many products I review here, I really wanted to see how I got on with this before I reviewed it.
I was very worried how this would affect my skin as I am quite spot prone and my big concern was that oil would make me instantly break out.
I first tried this out last Saturday night as I had done some really EARLY overtime in work that day and I thought this would give a great boost to my skin the following morning.
So after cleansing, I put just two drops in the palms of my hands and rubbed my hands together in order to get the product nice and warm, then I just gently dabbed all over my skin (including neck) and then rubbed in by going round in circles with my index and middle finger, making sure all the oil was worked into my skin properly. There is a leaflet you can pick up in store if you're about to purchase which tells you how to get the best out of this product and I would suggest picking up a copy so you can find the best way for you.
I have already admitted in previous posts that I am not a huge moisturiser fan (gasp!) but I felt like the winter was really taking its toll on my skin recently (what with all the central heating and harsh winds) and I really needed a hydration boost. This really did the trick. The next morning my skin looked really plump, and felt so hydrated. It made my face and neck feel really soft and although I still felt tired, my skin didn't look tired at all, it looked really rejuvenated and fresh.
I have used this product three times in total, once more as above and I also tried blending in with moisturiser and leaving overnight although I don't know if I would do this again as it made my skin feel sticky and surprise, surprise, I got a spot come up the next day (eek!). I'm putting this down to me not rubbing this in as much as I did when I just applied directly so I will ensure in future that I just apply it direct and really massage this product in properly.
But this is a really great product. I have never used an overnight serum before and I'm really glad I picked this up. I am sure I use this whenever I know I am going to have a late night / early morning or when I just need a little hydration boost. It also really calmed down the redness which I suffer from on my cheeks so that was a great little plus too.
If you are looking for a product which will help you look bright eyed and bushy tailed even when you don't feel like it (and, let's face it, we all have those days) or if you are just looking for a really quick fix for any dry skin you may be suffering with then this is a really great investment. It will definitely feature in my February favourites as I can see this becoming a winter essential (even though winter is nearly finished, hurray!)
Usual price is £12.00 and can be found here.
As a little side note, I am really interested in trying more from The Body Shop Vitamin E range and I am sure I will have some bits and pieces for you soon.
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